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Motor-cognitive therapies for seniors
in care facilities and at home.
“VR-based cognitive training has a positive effect on cognition in MCI patients.”
(Park, 2020)
With SenopiMed motor-cognitive therapies are:



SenopiMed makes it easy to provide
motor-cognitive therapies, using virtual reality (VR)
Developed and validated with and for healthcare professionals.
VR Headset app
Easy-to-use VR therapies

Motor-cognitive therapies
Customized user difficulty

SenopiMed has undergone clinical study validation.
See study description here
First publication
Second publication

Enjoyable & easy-to-use
Turn on the VR headset and select preferred environment and music. SenopiMed is ready for an enjoyable motor-cognitive therapy.
Effortless monitoring
With the SenopiMed app, the therapy can be set up and controlled, and afterwards the completed session can be seen on your smartphone, tablet or desktop.


SenopiMed is developed and tested with healthcare professionals
SenopiMed has been under development since 2018, in the innovation lab of Ricola. The product has been developed in collaboration with medical doctors and therapists and it has been tested in numerous usability studies as well as a clinical study.

Usability studies
Aug-21 to Apr-23

Several structured usability studies with 10-20 seniors.
Pilot study
Aug-23 to Dec-23

Pilot study with 10 high-functioning older adults, to explore SenopiMed for fall risk prevention.
Pilot test

Pilot test with SenopiCare for healthy seniors and with memory disorders brought promising results.
Want SenopiVR at your
care home?
Our first product, SenopiCare,
allows seniors to travel virtually to familiar and new places places.
The easy-to-use tablet application allows a caregiver to select the preferred 360-degrees videos and start a VR experience for
one or multiple seniors.


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